Posted by Dexter Francois
| Posted in
The Golf Fix
| Posted on Wednesday, February 2, 2011
So I was browsing around Facebook, doing a search using the keywords "golf tips" to see how our fan page ranked. We're doing alright. Our fan page comes up near the top. Pretty cool. No a big deal though. I currently have around 870 "likes", a far cry from say the fan page of The Golf Fix which has a Facebook fan base of over 16,000 and growing.
I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and noticed an article from "All Facebook, The Unofficial Facebook Resource." It is titled 10 Facebook Pages Every Golf Enthusiast Should Follow. And guess which page was included on that list. You guessed it. Golf Tips & Quips. How cool is that?
I had never heard of All Facebook or the author of this article Brian Ward before this, but apparently the site is a well known "all things Facebook" resource with 277,251 "likes" of their own at the time of this publication. This is how they describe their service. is the online guide for everything related to Facebook. We provide everything from tips to how-tos, and the latest news for Facebook users as well as brands, marketers, and anybody else looking to take advantage of Facebook.
I am surprised that this blog is included with the likes of the others on this list. Here is a rundown of the other pages.
PGA Tour Golf Challenge - The PGA Tour’s official page on Facebook.
ages which Ward featured (I don't think this was intended to be a ranking. Just a list. After all it is an unofficial resource, but we'll take it, right).
PGA Tour Golf Challenge - The PGA Tour’s official page on Facebook.
Golf Digest - What golfer hasn't heard of Golf Digest.
Golfsmith - One of the biggest online retailers(btw, my virtual swing coach, Mike Southern has around 40 articles featured in the Golf Tips section of their website). Here's one of them.
The Itinerant Golfer - One man’s journey to play all of the top golf courses in America. I need to hook of with this guy.
The Itinerant Golfer - One man’s journey to play all of the top golf courses in America. I need to hook of with this guy.
TravelGolf - Travel advice, course reviews, etc.
Golf Babes - Covering the women who love the sport of golf.
Golf World - Another of the big golf publications.
Golf Tips & Quips - That's us!!! And when I say us, I mean you and I. This is your blog as much as it is mine.
Golf Channel - Duh!!!
Golf Magazine - Yet another of the mainstream golf magazines(btw, I have subscriptions to all three of the magazines listed. I can't get enough).
This is just motivation to continue writing and to keep working hard. I am certainly not looking for accolades. All I want to do is get better at golf. If you read this blog you know that I share the good and the bad. When I have a breakthrough, I tell you about it. When I am struggling, you hear about that too.
Hopefully when a fellow amateur reads about my exploits, they will be inspired to get out there and practice. And because golf parallels life in so many ways, someone may be inspired to follow any dream they may have even if it is not golf related. Whatever we do, our aim should be to become better. Have a great round and always hit your target.
Photo found here.
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Hmmm... well, Dex, it sounds like you may have already found an entry point into the golf industry! Congratulations on making the Facebook bigtime!
BTW, thanks for the kind mention of my Golfsmith articles. I'm kinda proud of that accomplishment.
Ha! Thanks Mike. Let's see what happens. No problem on the link. You have done a lot to help me. It is the least I can do. And should be very proud:-D