Posted by Dexter Francois
| Posted in
Swing Mechanics,
Video Instruction
| Posted on Friday, July 30, 2010
In the late 50's, if you were not hip, the kids of the day would call you a square. Being a square meant that you were out of the loop. Not cool. When I was growing up, that is how I viewed golfers. It was not a cool sport, and only nerds played it. So the kids that played it were a bunch of squares.
Now that I play the sport, all want to be is square. At impact that is. It is the coolest thing you can do for your swing. I was practicing the other day, and I was hitting it alright, but towards the end of my session I started pushing a few too many balls to the right. Sometimes I get into a funk and I make the same mistake over and over. I could not figure out how to fix this push.
Just as I was about to pack it in, I remembered a drill I saw that emphasized squaring the back of the left hand(for right-handed golfers) at impact. I took a few swings keeping this in mind and it made all the difference. The ball jumped off the club face and my shot were straight.
I ended up spending another hour just working on this impact position. I am learning that golf is a sport in which you have to pay attention to every part of the swing. The slightest swing flaw will send your ball hurtling in every which direction.
I am about to go out for a quick session to get ready for my round tomorrow. The plan is to continue to work on squaring up at impact. I want to improve my greens in regulation so that I have chances at birdie putts.
I have been hitting my irons to the right distances but I am still missing shots left and right of the green. I am constantly trying to get up and down to try to save par. If I ever want to shoot in the 70's, I know that I must improve my ball striking.
Here is a video about being square at impact. The instructor shows us what positions we need to be in to become a better ball striker. Hopefully this will help me break the elusive 80 barrier. Have a good round and always hit your target.
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