Posted by Dexter Francois
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John Daly,
Mental Game,
Video Instruction
| Posted on Friday, February 5, 2010
So John Daly has changed his mind again. He has decided to keep playing. He cited frustration for his recent contemplation to retire. After missing the cut at the Farmers Insurance Open it was evident that he was fed up with his game.
Some say that this last episode was a publicity stunt to help promote his new reality show "Being John Daly" to be aired on The Golf Channel. Whether or not this is true is debatable but I'm sure that it has enticed a few more people into viewing the show. If just out of curiosity.
Larry Jackson, chief executive of Loudmouth Golf, the company that makes Daly's LOUD pants told reporters at the PGA merchandise show, "John's an emotional guy. He's not quitting, he's already said he just needs some time. He will be back. He'll be at the AT&T." Daly received a sponsor exemption to play the AT&T held at the famed Pebble Beach on February 11-14.
Personally I am glad Daly has decided to stick it out. We all make mistakes and life is all about how we rebound from them. I respect the fact that he is trying to deal with his problems and the fact that he is doing so in the public eye. You and I do not have the cameras following our every move. He is always in the spotlight and this makes his situation even tougher.
On another note, I'm pulling for John Daly because we have the same taste in style. Last May a few buddies and I played in the annual South Florida S.P.C.A Golf Tournament and Fundraiser Par For The Horses held at The Westview Country Club in Miami.Since it was the first tournament I had ever played in, I wanted to have fun with it. I decided to find the craziest pants that I could find. I came across the Loudmouth website and fell in love with their pants. They are loud. A little bit arrogant, in your face, and down right ugly(By the way. I bought them before J.D. went public with his. So it can be said that he got the idea from me).
My friends chickened out and didn't get any pants. They regretted it though. I was the talk of the tournament. When I got out of the car I walked to the pro shop and I could hear people whispering as I was walking by. They were wondering if I was someone famous. Who could this be? The funniest thing I heard as I was walking was this guy who said, "I bet you he ain't s*?t." I just laughed because he was absolutely right. But my pants didn't say so.
When I got to the cart one of the caddies ran over to me and offered to drive me to the driving range. He was asking me if I had ever played there before. He gave me advice on reading some of the greens. My friends on the other hand were left standing there to find their own way to the range. The caddy obviously thought I was somebody. Little did he know I was just a 24 handicap(currently 16.9) hacker who just had a great sense of style.
Two things I learned that day. First, don't be afraid to be different. Second, being different gets you noticed. I made a lot of new friends that day and some potential contacts for projects down the road. I don't think that would have happened if I had stayed in my shell.
I know I had a much better time than my friends did. It's amazing what simple pair of pants can do for you. I got all kinds of extra free stuff that they didn't get. It's all about how you portray yourself. People make their assessment and assumptions about you in the first few minutes you meet. And that can make or break an opportunity.
Well it's time to go practice. If I'm going to be wearing these outlandish pants I better have the game to match. Have a good one and always hit your target.
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