Posted by Dexter Francois
| Posted in
Golf Courses,
My Rounds
| Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It is about to get hot out here in Phoenix. Really hot. I have been mentally preparing myself for the 115 degree weather that is the norm in The Valley of the Sun during the summer months. I'm used to hot. I lived in Miami for fifteen years before making the move to Arizona a month and half ago, but it rarely reached triple digits.
Everyone says that it is a good hot. During the summer, it is in the 90's in Miami but the humidity can be 90% percent as well. This means that you are sweating while even in the shade. The claim in the desert is that if you find a shady place, you will be fine because there is hardly any humidity.
Let's face it though, hot is hot. 115 and no humidity is still hot and it is no wonder the golf courses drop their prices significantly to entice golfers to get in a quick eighteen in spite of what it feels like outside.
Last July, I came out to visit my fiancee just to see if I could handle the heat. The Doctor and I played at The Phoenician and The Raven Golf Course at South Mountain. During peak season, it will run you close to $200 to play eighteen at The Phoenician. The Raven tops out at about $150. During the summer, one can get on either of the courses for as low as $30. That is how slow it gets because of the weather.
If you can brave the heat, you can play some the best courses in Arizona for dirt cheap. The tracks remain in pristine condition, so the quality of the course is not affected. Each cart comes with water and ice, standard. And the cart girls are always there to refill the ice buckets. I haven't experienced it yet, but I've been told that some courses feature carts that have misters attached to them, which will surly make the summer golf experience a lot more bearable.
I'm looking forward to the summer. I'll get to play great courses at a fraction of the price, without the long waits that is experienced during peak season. Can I handle the heat? I think so. I'll just have to get used to drinking 5 gallons of water a day. Have a great round and always hit your target.
Top photo found here.
Water's the best, but it won't hurt to intersperse a little GatorAde or PowerAde in there too. You don't want to get overloaded with sugar, but some added electrolytes can sure help your body use the water better.
The worst I've ever been in here in NC was around 107 dry heat. I can't imagine 115 on a regular basis.
Will do. My buddy, "The Doctor", always tells me about the kids that come into his emergency room with an acute case of dehydration. Most of the locals know better, but the tourists aren't ready for it. Would hate to pass before I made it to the 19th:-D